
To get a look at all the commands in discord, use this in a server that has lucy bot: L!help

General commands

*We deserve the right to stop ANY giveaways | Any intended giveaways stopping(e.g. bot rebooting, discord-caused problem) will be logged in our support server

Command name Description Usage Aliase
announce Make an announcement to the server setted channel using L!setannouncementchannel L!announce [announcementcontent] no aliase
contact Tells you a way to contact us L!contact no aliase
djsanswer answer other people's question about discord.js in our support server L!djsanswer [sender id] [answer] djsa
djssupport Ask for help in discord.js in any server L!djssupport [your question] no aliase
f7 Check your fortnite status for last 7 days L!f7 [fortnite username] no aliase
fortnite Check your lifetime fortnite status L!fortnite [fortnite username] fn
fr Get a fortnite meme L!fr no aliase
get http method GET L!get [website] no aliase
githubcreaterepo create a github repo in a org(wrong login for too many time might get the account banned. Trying to get other github account banned is strictly prohibihit) L!creategithubrepo [github email/username] [github password] [github org username] [repo name] no aliase
giveaway-stop stop an ongoing giveaway | need MANAGE_MESSAGES permission L!giveaway-stop [message id] gs
giveaway Start a giveaway | need MANAGE_MESSAGES permission L!giveaway [time(eg. 10d, 10s, 10min, 10 month, 10w, 10y)] [winner count] [Item] giveaways
help Get a link to this webpage L!help command, commands, cmd, cmds
invite Invite me to your server! L!invite no aliase
isitweekendyet Check if dbl vote are currently doubled L!isitweekendyet no aliase
memes random memes from reddit L!memes no aliase
premium Get information on premium L!premium no aliase
qrinvite Get qr code version of invite L!qrinvite no aliase
redeem report or gift a user premium L!redeem [redeem code] [user-id] no aliase
reroll reroll a finished giveaway L!reroll [message id] no aliase
serverinfo Get the info of a server L!serverinfo no aliase
setannouncementchannel Set a channel to post server announcement on! L!setannouncementchannel [channel_id] no aliase
stats Get bot status L!stats no aliase
userinfo Get the info of a user L!userinfo [optional || mention a user] no aliase

Music Commands

Command name Description Usage Aliase
loop toggle queue loop L!loop no aliase
lyrics Get a song's lyrics L!lyrics [artist-name(put - for space between name)] [song-name(put space for space)](e.g. L!lyric taylor-swift blank-space) no aliase
pause Pause a song L!pause no aliase
play Play a song from youtube L!play [search from youtube/youtube url/youtube video id] no aliase
queue check the current song queue L!queue no aliase
resume resume a paused song L!resume no aliase
skip Skip a song | need MANAGE_CHANNELS permission L!skip no aliase
stop stop a song | need MANAGE_CHANNELS permission L!stop no aliase
voteskip Other people's song to boring? Host a vote to skip it! L!voteskip vs

Fun Commands

Command name Description Usage Aliase
pubg Let me rate pubg L!pubg no aliase
retarded edit the retarded dog img L!retarded [text] no aliase