To get a look at all the commands in discord, use this in a server that has lucy bot: L!help
Command name |
Description |
Usage |
Aliase |
announce |
Make an announcement to the server setted channel using L!setannouncementchannel |
L!announce [announcementcontent] |
no aliase |
contact |
Tells you a way to contact us |
L!contact |
no aliase |
djsanswer |
answer other people's question about discord.js in our support server |
L!djsanswer [sender id] [answer] |
djsa |
djssupport |
Ask for help in discord.js in any server |
L!djssupport [your question] |
no aliase |
f7 |
Check your fortnite status for last 7 days |
L!f7 [fortnite username] |
no aliase |
fortnite |
Check your lifetime fortnite status |
L!fortnite [fortnite username] |
fn |
fr |
Get a fortnite meme |
L!fr |
no aliase |
get |
http method GET |
L!get [website] |
no aliase |
githubcreaterepo |
create a github repo in a org(wrong login for too many time might get the account banned. Trying to get other github account banned is strictly prohibihit) |
L!creategithubrepo [github email/username] [github password] [github org username] [repo name] |
no aliase |
giveaway-stop |
stop an ongoing giveaway | need MANAGE_MESSAGES permission |
L!giveaway-stop [message id] |
gs |
giveaway |
Start a giveaway | need MANAGE_MESSAGES permission |
L!giveaway [time(eg. 10d, 10s, 10min, 10 month, 10w, 10y)] [winner count] [Item] |
giveaways |
help |
Get a link to this webpage |
L!help |
command, commands, cmd, cmds |
invite |
Invite me to your server! |
L!invite |
no aliase |
isitweekendyet |
Check if dbl vote are currently doubled |
L!isitweekendyet |
no aliase |
memes |
random memes from reddit |
L!memes |
no aliase |
premium |
Get information on premium |
L!premium |
no aliase |
qrinvite |
Get qr code version of invite |
L!qrinvite |
no aliase |
redeem |
report or gift a user premium |
L!redeem [redeem code] [user-id] |
no aliase |
reroll |
reroll a finished giveaway |
L!reroll [message id] |
no aliase |
serverinfo |
Get the info of a server |
L!serverinfo |
no aliase |
setannouncementchannel |
Set a channel to post server announcement on! |
L!setannouncementchannel [channel_id] |
no aliase |
stats |
Get bot status |
L!stats |
no aliase |
userinfo |
Get the info of a user |
L!userinfo [optional || mention a user] |
no aliase |